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Origin E8

From Expedera


The Origin E8 NPU is built for performance-intensive applications requiring exceptional throughput and low latency, suitable for data centers and advanced automotive systems. Capable of delivering up to 128 TOPS with its single-core and PetaOps with multiple cores, the E8 addresses the needs of sophisticated AI tasks with unparalleled efficiency.

Utilizing an innovative packet-based architecture, the E8 achieves parallel execution, significantly improving resource allocation and performance predictability without altering pre-trained neural network models. Its efficient design mitigates hardware-specific optimization requirements, enhancing system scalability and reducing complexity.

The E8 excels in scenarios requiring robust AI processing such as autonomous driving and complex data center operations. Offering high customization, this IP core aligns with specific processing needs, ensuring that AI models execute with precision and minimal resource usage, even under demanding conditions, as reflected in its leading efficiency at 18 TOPS/W.

  • 32 - 128 TOPS performance
  • Input resolutions up to 8K and beyond
  • Performance efficiencies up to 18 TOPS/Watt
  • Support for standard, custom, and proprietary neural networks
Tech Specs
Category Processor > AI Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 40nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive
  • Data Centers
  • High-performance Computing
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