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Origin E6

From Expedera


Origin E6 is a cutting-edge NPU IP tailored for high-demand edge inference applications, offering performance from 16 to 32 TOPS. This model supports significant AI models such as image transformers and stable diffusion, as well as complex traditional AI networks like CNNs and LSTMs. Its packet-based architecture facilitates efficient resource use, achieving parallel processing across neural network layers to enhance performance.

Designed for versatility, the E6 covers a broad range of applications including smartphones, vehicles, and AR/VR systems, offering support for both standard and custom neural networks. The architecture is crafted to deliver max efficiency in processing workloads, maintaining up to 90% processor utilization, thereby significantly reducing power and memory overheads.

Customization capabilities are a major highlight of the E6, adapting to specific customer PPA requirements to provide the most relevant configurations. This flexibility ensures that the E6 meets the demands of both current and emerging AI networks while maintaining its high power efficiency at 18 TOPS/W, enhancing performance in a variety of cutting-edge devices.

  • 16 to 32 TOPS performance
  • Support for standard, custom, and proprietary neural networks
  • Performance efficiencies up to 18 TOPS/Watt
  • Input resolutions up to 4K and beyond
Tech Specs
Category Processor > AI Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 40nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Smartphones
  • AR/VR
  • Automotive
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