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Origin E2

From Expedera


The Origin E2 offers a balanced AI inference solution designed for power and area efficiency, suitable for smartphones, edge nodes, and various consumer devices. Employing an efficient packet-based architecture, the E2 supports a range of neural networks including RNNs, CNNs, LSTMs, and DNNs, providing performance from 1 to 20 TOPS.

The core advantage of the E2 lies in its ability to handle extensive AI processing tasks with minimal latency and reduced power consumption, bypassing the typical hardware-specific constraints. This flexibility allows designers to utilize trained AI models without compromising their precision or accuracy, which is crucial for maintaining high-quality AI functions.

With its scalable architecture, the E2 efficiently manages resources and ensures high utilization rates, delivering superior performance with an impressive power efficiency of 18 TOPS/W. This makes it an ideal choice for applications requiring consistent AI processing capabilities, such as smartphones and various edge devices, where space and power are limited.

  • 1-20 TOPS performance
  • Support for standard, custom, and proprietary neural networks
  • Performance efficiencies up to 18 TOPS/Watt
  • Full software stack provided, including compiler, estimator, scheduler, and quantizer
Tech Specs
Category Processor > AI Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 40nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Smartphones
  • Edge Nodes
  • Video Processing
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