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Origin E1

From Expedera


The Origin E1 neural engines are designed for applications requiring consistent low-power AI processing, particularly in consumer electronics like home appliances and smartphones. By leveraging a unique packet-based architecture, the E1 effectively minimizes power consumption and system cost while delivering 1 TOPS in performance. This architecture allows for parallel execution across neural network layers, optimizing resource utilization and performance predictability.

The E1 is tailored for use in always-sensing technologies, such as cameras in smart devices that continuously process visual data to enhance user interaction. These capabilities require precise power management, which is achieved through the E1's minimal external memory usage. Delivering up to 18 TOPS per watt, the E1 LittleNPU is particularly optimized for executing high-quality neural networks developed by top OEMs.

Expedera's E1 NPU enables manufacturers to deploy AI applications without needing external memory, which reduces both the power footprint and silicon area. The architecture's deterministic performance ensures all tasks are executed without data loss or back pressure, making it a quintessential choice for power-sensitive applications.

  • 1 TOPS performance
  • Support for standard, custom, and proprietary neural networks
  • Performance efficiencies up to 18 TOPS/Watt
  • Full software stack provided, including compiler, estimator, scheduler, and quantizer
  • Runs CNN, RNN, DNN, LSTM, and other network types
Tech Specs
Category Processor > AI Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 40nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Mobile
  • Security Cameras
  • Smart Home
  • Edge Nodes
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