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Origami Programmer

From Menta


The Origami Programmer is an innovative software suite specifically designed to optimize and generate bitstreams for eFPGA architectures. This powerful tool bridges design and deployment, ensuring that user RTL is efficiently targeted and optimized for integration with Menta's eFPGA solutions. The Origami Programmer encompasses several critical components such as synthesis, place & route operations, and static timing analysis, providing a comprehensive tool for eFPGA slating.

A key feature of the Origami Programmer is its ability to support various hardware descriptive languages, including VHDL, Verilog, and System-Verilog, making it versatile for a wide range of design preferences. This adaptability extends to its user interface, which provides a graphical and user-friendly experience that allows for manual floor planning and resources management. By delivering low LUT usage with optimal routing capabilities, it ensures that designs are both efficient and effective.

This software suite sets itself apart by being free from export-control and patent related issues, thus providing peace of mind and operational freedom to international users and developers. Furthermore, its capability to execute density statistics and resource usage summaries provides users with granular control over their designs, all culminated in a streamlined process that enhances productivity and design precision.

  • Static Timing Analysis
  • Versatile Language Support
  • Optimized Place & Route
Tech Specs
Category Platform Level IP > Processor Core Independent
Availability All Countries & Regions
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