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ORC3990 – DMSS LEO Satellite Endpoint System On Chip (SoC)

From Orca Systems Inc.


The ORC3990 is a revolutionary satellite endpoint System on Chip (SoC) designed to function seamlessly within LEO satellite networks. This advanced SoC serves as a low-power sensor-to-satellite communication solution, leveraging a range of integrated features such as RF transceivers, ARM CPUs, and memory components. Its standout DMSS™ modem technology offers remarkable Doppler performance, making it apt for reliable indoor signal coverage.

The ORC3990's impressive power management system ensures a battery life exceeding 10 years, making it exceptionally suited for IoT applications in challenging environments. Operating within the ISM band, this SoC guarantees exceptional total cost of ownership, positioning itself as a competitive alternative to traditional terrestrial IoT solutions. Whether it's through efficient link budget performance or its ability to achieve location fixes without additional GNSS chips, the ORC3990 redefines connectivity potential.

With a compact design akin to a business card size, the ORC3990 can be installed in various orientations, thereby optimizing space constraints. Its compatibility with a broad temperature range (-40°C to +85°C) expands its applicability across diverse industrial scenarios, reinforcing its versatility as a satellite communication tool. This product aligns with Orca Systems' vision of delivering unparalleled IoT connectivity through intelligent technology solutions.

  • LEO satellite coverage
  • 10+ years battery life
  • Compact size
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Wireless Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Satellite communication
  • IoT connectivity
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