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NVMe Expansion

From ZeroPoint Technologies


NVMe Expansion offers a transformative approach to extending NVMe storage capacities by 2-4 times. Utilizing hardware-accelerated technologies such as LZ4 and zstd compression, this IP effectively increases the storage capabilities without requiring additional NVMe drives. This breakthrough allows data centers to leverage existing hardware more efficiently, maximizing storage while minimizing investment in new equipment.

The use of hardware-accelerated compression ensures that the NVMe Expansion operates with high-speed efficiency, which is critical for maintaining throughput in high-demand scenarios. This capability addresses the growing need for storage expansion solutions that do not compromise on performance, ensuring that data can be accessed and managed swiftly and efficiently.

NVMe Expansion is an essential solution for data centers looking to enhance storage without incurring significant additional costs or energy consumption. By offering a robust, scalable solution to storage challenges, NVMe Expansion supports the development of efficient, high-capacity data environments. Its functionality is geared towards streamlining operations and optimizing resource allocation, ensuring future-ready infrastructure.

  • 2-4x storage capacity increase
  • hardware accelerated compression
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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