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Non-Coherent Network-on-Chip (NOC)

From SkyeChip


The Non-Coherent Network-on-Chip (NOC) by SkyeChip offers a performance-optimized interconnect solution that minimizes silicon wire usage for effective power and area efficiency in integrated circuits. This innovative NOC supports a wide range of node protocols, including AXI4 and AXI5, and provides excellent scalability. Specifically designed to reduce routing congestion, it supports high-frequency operation up to 2GHz. It integrates seamlessly into complex systems, including 2.5D and 3D IC environments, and is compatible with SkyeChip's Coherent NOC for systems requiring partitioned interconnect solutions.

  • Optimized for low power and area efficiency
  • Supports various protocols
  • Operates up to 2GHz
  • Seamless integration with coherent NOC
Tech Specs
Category Network on Chip > Network on Chip
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Integrated circuits
  • Complex system integrations
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