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NoC Mesh Silicon IP

From Truechip Solutions


Truechip's NoC Mesh Silicon IP provides a robust interconnect framework designed to support a multitude of protocols and offers flexible configurations for master and slave ports. It features a complex network topology with layered and parallel NoC support, enhancing chip interconnectivity by minimizing latency, power consumption, and area use.

Utilizing a native Verilog architecture, the NoC Mesh IP is meticulously verified using comprehensive regression test suites, ensuring code quality and coverage. Users benefit from a consistent interface across all IP blocks, with easy integration facilitated by GUI-based configuration tools and extensive documentation.

The IP supports diverse protocols, including AMBA AXI, AHB, and APB, with customizable memory maps and protocol interfaces. Additional features include deadlock avoidance guarantees, configurable data channels, clock gating, and QoS support, aligning the NoC Mesh IP for efficient utilization in complex ASIC and SoC designs.

  • Layered and parallel NoC support
  • Robust routing algorithms
  • Deadlock avoidance
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • ASIC
  • SoC
  • Network on Chip designs
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