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All IPs > Processor > AI Processor > NMP-550


From AIM Future


AIM Future's NMP-550 is tailored for tasks demanding more extensive computational proficiency. It is a performance-efficient accelerator aimed at applications within markets such as automotive, mobile computing, AR/VR, drones, robotics, and medical devices. It excels in activities like driver monitoring, image and video analytics, super resolution, and security compliance. This IP offers remarkable processing power with up to 6 TOPS and incorporates up to 6 MB of local memory. It's equipped with options for a RISC-V or Arm Cortex-M/A 32-bit CPU, complemented by 3 x AXI4 interfaces of 128-bit width, supporting fast and flexible data handling suitable for complex operational environments.

  • High performance
  • Efficiency
Tech Specs
Category Processor > AI Processor
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Driver monitoring
  • Image analytics
  • Security compliance
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