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NeuroMosAIc Studio

From AIM Future


NeuroMosAIc Studio serves as a comprehensive software platform designed to enhance the performance of AIM Future's IP products. It provides a robust suite of tools for network conversion, quantization, compression, and optimization, tailored specifically for generating NMP models. The studio offers precision analysis and adjustment to ensure high-level performance across different hardware configurations. Additionally, the platform includes mapping and hardware-level optimization capabilities, augmented by C code generation and runtime library support for AI-specific functions. NeuroMosAIc Studio enhances edge training support and includes tools like the NMP Compiler and NMP Simulator to streamline development and optimize processes throughout the software lifecycle.

  • Network conversion
  • Optimization tools
Tech Specs
Category Platform Level IP > Processor Core Independent
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • AI development
  • Edge training
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