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All IPs > Processor > AI Processor > nearbAI


From easics


The nearbAI IP cores are cutting-edge solutions tailored for ultra-low power AI-enabled chips, designed to provide immediate visual and spatial feedback through efficient neural processing. Each core operates as a neural processing unit (NPU) and includes a neural network compiler, making it ideal for live sensory augmentation. It is well-suited for applications requiring real-time data processing, such as battery-powered mobile devices, XR, and IoT applications.

These cores are optimized for minimal power consumption while balancing factors like area and latency, ensuring efficient performance across different use cases. They support seamless local processing, maintain high data security, and even offer optional cloud interoperability. nearbAI cores can independently handle data processing, eliminating the need for extensive signal transmission between the sensors and processing units.

The architecture of nearbAI supports a broad spectrum of neural networks with zero-latency switching between them, enhancing overall computational efficiency. This includes features like real-time pattern recognition and multi-modal sensor fusion, which are crucial for immersive experiences and high-stakes applications such as face recognition and 3D spatial detection. Flexible and scalable across various silicon technologies from 40nm to 4nm, the nearbAI IP is also complemented by an optimizing compiler that allows for smooth integration and rapid prototyping efforts, thus accelerating time-to-market.

  • Ultra-low power consumption
  • Customized & optimized for use cases
  • Scalable & flexible
Tech Specs
Category Processor > AI Processor
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Battery-powered devices
  • XR devices
  • IoT devices
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