The Smart Non-Coherent Network-on-Chip (NC-NoC) by SignatureIP is designed as a versatile and scalable interconnection solution tailored for NoCs that do not require coherency. Featuring a layered architecture, the NC-NoC can efficiently handle a variety of protocols including AXI4/3, AHB, APB, and AXI-lite, while supporting a wide range of bus widths from 32 to 2048 bits.
The architecture of NC-NoC is crafted to accommodate multiple clocking schemes, providing the flexibility to adapt to different system requirements. This NoC solution emphasizes physical awareness, enhancing its ability to manage and optimize system communication without the need for coherent protocols, which can often introduce additional complexity and overhead.
Ideal for systems where data coherence across different components is not a critical requirement, NC-NoC enables effective data routing and efficient communication. Its adaptability and protocol support make it suitable for various applications, offering designers the ability to enhance performance, minimize latency, and optimize power consumption in non-coherent settings.