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All IPs > Processor > CPU > NaviSoC


From ChipCraft


The NaviSoC represents ChipCraft’s flagship product, a revolutionary GNSS receiver integrated with an application processor within a single silicon die. This system-on-chip design offers an exquisite blend of high precision, enhanced reliability, and fortified security, all while maintaining low power consumption and compact size. Its flexible architecture allows for customization to align with user-specific requirements, making it a versatile solution for various industries.

The NaviSoC's applications are extensive, spanning from location-based services and the Internet of Things to high-precision lane-level navigation and autonomous drones. Additionally, it serves significant roles in asset tracking, time synchronization, smart agriculture, and surveying and mapping. Such diversity showcases its adaptability and performance excellence.

Through its innovative design, the NaviSoC optimizes for high drain environments demanding stability and functionality, making it ideal for evolving technology fields. This product underscores ChipCraft’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge, customer-oriented solutions designed to meet broad spectrum requirements in embedded systems and GNSS-based applications.

  • GNSS receiver integration
  • Customizable architecture
  • Low power consumption
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • IoT
  • Lane-level navigation
  • Asset tracking
  • Smart agriculture
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