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MVWS4000 Series Weather Station Sensors

From MEMS Vision


The MVWS4000 series is an innovative line of digital sensors that deliver fast and accurate measurements of humidity, pressure, and temperature. Utilizing advanced Silicon Carbide technology, these sensors serve a critical role in applications where precise environmental data is paramount.

Developed for use in demanding OEM solutions, these sensors capitalize on their ultra-low power consumption and high performance to support time-sensitive operations. They are ideal for battery-driven applications and are available in various accuracy grades to accommodate budgetary and technical requirements.

The sensors incorporate a digital output format through I2C and SPI interfaces, facilitating easy integration. Their compact form and robust construction make the MVWS4000 series a versatile choice for installations ranging from industrial systems to medical devices and consumer electronics.

  • Three-in-one sensor
  • Low power consumption
  • Multiple interface options
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Sensor
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Industrial
  • Consumer
  • Medical
  • Automotive
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