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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > Temperature Sensor > MVT4000D Series Digital Temperature Sensors

MVT4000D Series Digital Temperature Sensors

From MEMS Vision


The MVT4000D series represents a range of digital temperature sensors designed to provide high accuracy and reliability. Based on MEMS Vision's proprietary Silicon Carbide technology, these sensors are built to withstand challenging environments and offer precise temperature readings with exceptional long-term stability.

These sensors boast a very compact package, which is instrumental in conserving space on crowded PCBs, while also offering quick response times. The sensors' low power consumption makes them suitable for battery-operated devices, ensuring energy efficiency without compromising performance.

With an emphasis on ease of use, the MVT4000D sensors are fully calibrated and support digital I2C interfacing, enabling straightforward integration into various electronics. They cater to a range of applications from consumer electronics to automotive and medical devices, delivering accurate temperature control across different industries.

  • Small form factor
  • High accuracy
  • Digital I2C interface
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Temperature Sensor
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Industrial
  • Consumer
  • Medical
  • Automotive
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