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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > Sensor > MVPM100 Series Particulate Matter Sensors

MVPM100 Series Particulate Matter Sensors

From MEMS Vision


The MVPM100 series of particulate matter sensors offer a compact and efficient solution for accurate air quality monitoring. Unlike traditional bulky systems, these sensors yield precise particle measurements by assessing the actual weight of particulate matter, thanks to cutting-edge microsystem technology.

Engineered for various industrial, medical, and consumer environments, the sensors are famed for their small footprint, which doesn't compromise their ability to deliver accurate readings. Their low power demands make them particularly suitable for continuous monitoring scenarios, where extended battery life is desired.

The MVPM100 sensors feature versatile connectivity options with I2C and UART interfaces, making them easy to deploy across different platforms. They are especially useful in applications necessitating air quality metrics or environments where constant air monitoring is critical to safety and functionality.

  • Compact design
  • Accurate measurement
  • Low power consumption
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Sensor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Industrial
  • Consumer
  • Medical
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