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MVH4000 Series Humidity & Temperature Sensors

From MEMS Vision


The MVH4000 series is a line of highly precise humidity and temperature sensors that offer robust performance and long-term stability due to their Silicon Carbide MEMS technology. These sensors are adept at providing quick and reliable data with minimal power usage, making them ideal for applications where battery conservation is crucial, such as in portable or remote devices.

The sensors are fully calibrated and feature a small form factor, which is beneficial for integration into tight spaces, a key consideration in modern device design. They provide digital output via I2C interface and exhibit a wide operating temperature range, ensuring they remain functional under extreme conditions.

These sensors are engineered to offer high accuracy and on-chip calibration that allows for plug-and-play use. Available in both digital and analog outputs, they also come with evaluation kits and modules to facilitate easy implementation across various projects.

  • Low power consumption
  • Fully calibrated
  • High accuracy
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Sensor
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Industrial
  • Consumer
  • Medical
  • Automotive
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