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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > Sensor > MVDP2000 Series Differential Pressure Sensors

MVDP2000 Series Differential Pressure Sensors

From MEMS Vision


The MVDP2000 series is comprised of differential pressure sensors known for their sensitivity and stability, built on a proprietary capacitive sensing technology. These sensors are finely calibrated for both pressure and temperature, making them highly reliable for OEM applications that require fast response times and minimal power usage.

These sensors are particularly suitable for portable devices and are applicable in various fields, such as medical diagnostics and HVAC systems, due to their small size and high precision. Their digital I2C interface allows for seamless integration into systems that require accurate pressure measurement.

With a robust design and ability to operate efficiently across a range of temperatures, the MVDP2000 series stands out as a driver of innovation in fields that require precise pressure data. Designed for demanding environments, they promise to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the technologies they support.

  • High sensitivity
  • Stable performance
  • Low power consumption
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Sensor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Consumer
  • Medical
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