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Multi-Channel Flex DMA IP Core

From Smartlogic GmbH


The Multi-Channel Flex DMA IP Core is tailored for streaming applications, capable of addressing up to 16 separate target memory locations simultaneously. Its channels operate independently and are unimpeded by each other, with adjustable clock rates for interfacing simplicity. Integrated parametric input FIFOs enable prioritization, ensuring critical data channels remain unblocked. Besides its notable streaming application prowess, the core is suitable for coprocessor roles, allowing DMA reads from any data source, processing, and new destination storage. Moreover, it offers continuous CRC error monitoring on PCI Express links, enhancing production testing by identifying boards with poor signal integrity, crucial for security-sensitive applications.

  • 16 streaming channels
  • Adjustable clock rates
  • CRC error monitoring
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Streaming applications
  • Coprocessor tasks
  • Security-critical functions
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