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Multi-Channel AXI DMA Engine

From Smartlogic GmbH


The Multi-Channel AXI DMA Engine bridges AXI Stream and AXI memory-mapped systems using a robust DMA engine. It can handle data from up to 16 AXI Stream Slave inputs concurrently, writing and reading from AXI memory-mapped spaces like DDR. With AXI Stream Master capabilities, it enables data retrieval and multi-stream processing by subsequent DSP units. Programmable address generators permit non-linear data writing, effectively easing future algorithmic processing tasks and sorting data for regions of interest. Common in SoC-based FPGA usages, it processes camera and A/D converter streams into SoC DDR, with GStreamer-compatible Linux driver support unlocking powerful open-source frameworks for video processing.

  • 16 AXI Stream inputs
  • Programmable address generators
  • GStreamer-compatible driver
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Camera data processing
  • A/D converter integration
  • SoC-based FPGA usage
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