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MRAM for Radiation-hard Markets

From Everspin Technologies


Everspin delivers specialized MRAM solutions tailored for radiation-hard environments, vital for space applications. In space, higher radiation levels can disrupt conventional electronic storage, making Everspin's MRAM a crucial element for reliable operation and data integrity beyond Earth's atmosphere.

As a leading provider of space-grade MRAM, Everspin enables data retention even in harsh cosmic conditions. The company's robust manufacturing capabilities in the U.S. support the production of 8-inch MRAM wafers, crucial for both standalone and embedded MRAM products. These products maintain integrity under extreme radiation levels, ensuring zero errors and mitigating potential data loss challenges.

Everspin partners with key industry players to ensure their MRAM technologies meet stringent space and military requirements. Their success in providing RAD HARD solutions is supported by a roadmap emphasizing consistent availability and integration flexibility, which allows engineers to incorporate MRAM into military and aerospace systems confidently. This commitment to long-term product viability underscores Everspin's leadership in reliability-focused memory solutions.

  • Radiation-hard
  • Space-grade
  • Data integrity
Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Embedded Memories
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Space systems
  • Military applications
  • Reliable data storage
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