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All IPs > Multimedia > MPEG / MPEG2 > MPEG2-TS IP Cores


From intoPIX


The MPEG2-TS IP Cores provide a robust solution for the encapsulation and transmission of JPEG XS and JPEG 2000 compressed video streams over MPEG2 transport streams. These cores are vital for maintaining interoperability across various video compression schemes, enabling smooth integration in applications that require video streaming over multiplexed systems. The architecture supports simultaneous handling of video, audio, and ancillary data, ensuring comprehensive data transport solutions in media broadcast and storage environments. This technology is crucial for bridging traditional MPEG2 infrastructures with modern compression standards like JPEG XS and JPEG 2000.

  • JPEG XS & JPEG 2000 Compatibility
  • Transport Stream Encapsulation
  • Multi-stream Architecture
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > MPEG / MPEG2
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Broadcast Streaming
  • Media Storage
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