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Modulation IP Cores

From Creonic GmbH


Creonic's modulation IP cores are designed to complement its demodulation counterparts, facilitating complex modulation schemes like those required in DVB-S2X standards. These cores play a critical role in transmitting data effectively under varying conditions, offering robust support for high bandwidths and multiple channels. Built with efficiency and reliability in mind, Creonic's modulation IPs are crucial for applications requiring strong performance in run-of-the-mill transmission scenarios, such as satellite uplinks and high-frequency trading systems. Transformative and adaptive technologies in these cores help manage signal integrity, ensuring clear communication over diverse network environments.

  • Supports high bandwidth
  • Adaptive modulation
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Optical/Telecom
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Satellite uplinks
  • High-frequency trading
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