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Miscellaneous FEC and DSP IP Cores

From Creonic GmbH


Creonic's range of miscellaneous FEC (Forward Error Correction) and DSP (Digital Signal Processing) IP cores encompasses a variety of solutions tailored for specific communication needs. Products within this range include encapsulators like the DVB-GSE, ultrafast BCH decoders, processors for FFT/IFFT operations, and Viterbi decoders, all designed to enhance the signal processing capabilities of communication systems. These cores offer the flexibility and processing power needed for high-speed network environments, enabling efficient data handling and refined signal correction, which are critical for maintaining signal fidelity in complex communication infrastructures.

  • High-speed data processing
  • Signal fidelity maintenance
Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Error Correction/Detection
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-speed networks
  • Complex communication infrastructures
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