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All IPs > Multimedia > Image Conversion > MIPITM V-NLM-01


From VLSI Plus Ltd.


Specially designed for image processing, the MIPITM V-NLM-01 is a Non-Local Mean (NLM) image noise reduction hard core. It boasts a parameterized search-window size and customizable bits per pixel, ensuring efficient noise reduction. The core is optimized to deliver high-definition video outputs, such as HDMI up to 2048x1080 resolution, and handles frame rates from 30 to 60 fps. With its sophisticated architecture, the core provides an efficient solution to minimizing image noise, making it a valuable component for quality-critical applications in multimedia and graphic design.

  • Parameterized search-window size
  • Supports HDMI resolution from 30 to 60 fps
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > Image Conversion
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Image processing
  • Graphic design
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