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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Audio Controller > MIPITM CSI2MUX-A1F


From VLSI Plus Ltd.


The MIPITM CSI2MUX-A1F serves as an effective CSI2 Video Multiplexor, compliant with CSI2 rev 1.3 and DPHY rev 1.2 standards. This IP core can accommodate inputs from up to four CSI2 cameras and output a single, aggregated CSI2 video stream, performing at 4 x 1.5Gbps. Ideal for applications requiring the convergence of multiple video streams into one, this multiplexor supports high data rates to ensure cohesive and synchronized video outputs, optimizing efficiency in digital video processing environments.

  • Aggregates CSI2 video streams
  • Supports multiple camera inputs
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Audio Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Video stream convergence
  • Digital video processing
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