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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI > MIPI CSI-2 Rx Compact Receiver

MIPI CSI-2 Rx Compact Receiver

From BitSim NOW


The MIPI CSI-2 Rx Compact Receiver is a critical component in the repertoire of video and imaging IPs offered by BitSim NOW. It is specifically engineered to receive and decode high-speed camera data using the MIPI CSI-2 standard. With its deployment in platforms such as Xilinx Spartan-6/7, Kintex, and Zynq, this receiver is integral to systems requiring precise image capture and processing.

Its design supports various bandwidth-intensive applications, facilitating seamless integration with existing architectures to deliver high fidelity image and video data. The receiver's optimization for low latency and robust data handling makes it an essential choice for applications in fields such as automotive and consumer electronics where high-performance imaging is needed.

The receiver ensures flawless interfacing with camera modules, providing a seamless link between image capture devices and processing units. This IP is especially beneficial in settings where space and power efficiency are paramount, ensuring maximum performance without compromising on system compactness.

  • Robust data handling
  • Low latency
  • High bandwidth support
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive camera systems
  • Consumer electronics
  • Industrial imaging
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