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MIPI CSI-2 Receiver IP

From Arasan Chip Systems, Inc.


The MIPI CSI-2 Receiver IP from Arasan Chip Systems provides a comprehensive interface solution that connects cameras to various host processors. As a high-performance IP core, it supports the latest iterations of the MIPI CSI-2 specification, designed for seamless integration into devices requiring reliable camera communication. This IP provides high-speed data transmission, ensuring superior image and video quality while maintaining low power consumption. It's compliant with advanced CSI specifications, supporting different modes for broad interoperability.

  • High-speed data transmission
  • Low power consumption
  • Compliant with latest CSI specifications
  • Multi-lane support
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Mobile devices
  • Automotive systems
  • 3D gaming consoles
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