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From Silicon Library Inc.


Designed for mobile and IoT devices, the MIPI IP interface core provides a tailored solution for high-speed serial communication, essential in compact electronics where space and power efficiency are demanded. It applies the Mobile Industry Processor Interface standard, commonly utilized in smartphones, tablets, and advanced wearable technology.\n\nThis IP core enables manufacturers to streamline high-speed data transfer in devices, supporting complex interactions between various integrated components like processors and sensors. The core’s architecture maximizes efficiency in sending and receiving data while conserving energy, a critical aspect for battery-dependent devices.\n\nMIPI's flexibility in handling diverse communication requirements makes it an essential inclusion for products targeting real-time performance and low latency operations. It enhances device interoperability and is built to support emerging mobile communication needs, offering a comprehensive solution for modern connected devices.

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Category Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI
Availability All Countries & Regions
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