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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > PCI > MICROCHIP NVME HOST RECORDER IP


From Logic Design Solutions


The NVME Host Recorder IP for Microchip platforms is crafted to handle rigorous NVMe data transactions. Suitable for Microchip’s PolarFire and SoC platforms, this IP delivers superior performance with advanced data handling capabilities. It is designed for applications that require robust data recording in real-time, accommodating high-volume data input with precision.

This product excels in environments where efficiency and accuracy are paramount, providing seamless data transfers that optimize the operations of various applications. Its architecture supports extensive data analytics, bolstering system performance by offering quick response times and reliable data storage.

Engineered to meet contemporary data processing demands, the Microchip NVME Host Recorder IP integrates seamlessly with existing infrastructure, notably enhancing the operational scope with minimal integration effort. It is equipped with vital features such as performance tracking and reporting tools, supporting continuous operational monitoring and optimization.

  • Real-time data transaction management
  • Performance tracking tools
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > PCI
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Data recording
  • Real-time applications
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