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From BrainChip


MetaTF is a comprehensive development environment for neural networks, perfectly aligned with BrainChip's vision of enhancing Edge AI. It simplifies the creation, training, and testing of neural networks for use on BrainChip’s Akida neural processor by supporting the automatic conversion of TensorFlow models.

This tool leverages the Python programming language and popular libraries like NumPy and Jupyter notebooks, allowing developers to work within a familiar ecosystem. A standout feature of MetaTF is its ability to transform Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) into Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), optimizing them for low-latency, energy-efficient applications at the edge without necessitating new framework learning.

In addition to the conversion capabilities, MetaTF offers a range of pre-created network models in their model zoo. This rich repository provides a variety of quantized Keras models converted using CNN2SNN, giving developers a head start in building efficient, performant solutions. Its integration with BrainChip's Akida explores true on-device intelligence by allowing developers to innovate without limitations traditionally posed by less efficient networks.

  • TensorFlow conversion
  • Model optimization
Tech Specs
Category Processor > AI Processor
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Edge AI development
  • On-device neural network deployment
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