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All IPs > Security IP > Embedded Security Modules > MACSec IP


From CoMira Solutions


The MACSec IP from CoMira Solutions implements the vital Media Access Control Security protocol, a standard for securing communications within local networks. The IP is compliant with the 802.1AE standard, plus its amendments, providing robust security against data breaches and ensuring protected transmission. Its design utilizes a time-division multiplexed architecture, which allows the IP to operate concurrently with CoMira's UMAC IP at independent core clocks, offering support for various traffic configurations up to 100G. This IP is adept at filtering and managing secure communications, making it essential for protecting sensitive transmissions in network environments.

  • Supports up to four concurrent ports
  • Flexible port filtering
  • Custom MACSec Ethertypes
  • FIPS compliant encryption
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Embedded Security Modules
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • LAN security
  • Network communication security
  • Secure data transmission
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