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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI > M-PHY


From Mixel


Mixel’s M-PHY IP serves as a versatile physical layer solution complying with the MIPI Alliance standards. This IP is capable of efficiently facilitating connections for various data-intensive applications such as flash storage, RF subsystems, and chip-to-chip communications. Featuring a modular design, the M-PHY offers operational flexibility with scalable speeds through different operational modes that contribute to significant power savings. It supports a broad range of interfaces with its dual-simplex point-to-point communication and ultra-low voltage differential signaling functionality.

  • MIPI Standard for M-PHY Specification v4.1
  • Dual-simplex point-to-point interface
  • Ultra-low voltage differential signaling
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Universal Flash Storage
  • Chip-to-chip Inter-Processor Communications
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