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LVDS Serializer

From Mixel


The LVDS Serializer is designed for high performance and efficiency, offering up to 1.6Gbps operation over four channels. Its design employs digital CMOS technology and includes integrated PLLs to facilitate a stable clock and data transmission over long distances. Featuring an optional pre-emphasis mode, it ensures optimum signal integrity in challenging environments. The highly integrated architecture of the serializer reduces the need for external components and is optimized for both current and future technological advancements, ensuring minimal adaptation costs and ease of scalability.

  • Integrated PLLs
  • High-speed data throughput
  • 25-165 MHz clock support
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Long-distance communication
  • Data broadcasting
  • Complex digital systems
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