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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI > LVDS/OpenLDI


From Silicon Library Inc.


The LVDS/OpenLDI IP core is designed for high-speed digital display applications that require low power and noise. Compatible with Low-Voltage Differential Signaling standards, it supports efficient data communication in digital televisions, LCD monitors, and other flat-panel displays.\n\nIts design ensures minimal electromagnetic interference, which is crucial in sensitive electronic environments, providing clean data transmission necessary for high-quality digital imaging. LVDS interfaces are widely regarded for their ability to support high-speed data transmission over standard cable lengths, making them ideal for diverse consumer and industrial electronics applications.\n\nBy utilizing OpenLDI standards, this IP core offers flexibility and broad compatibility with multiple display formats and technologies, ensuring seamless integration into a wide array of device architectures. This adaptability makes it a cornerstone for manufacturers looking to deploy efficient, reliable, and scalable display solutions across various product lines.

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Category Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI
Availability All Countries & Regions
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