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LVDS Interfaces

From Silicon Creations


The LVDS interfaces from Silicon Creations are engineered to enable bi-directional communication with high data rates, extending up to 3.3Gbps per lane in certain configurations. Compatible with a variety of standards such as miniLVDS and Camera Link, these interfaces are mainly used for video and chip-to-chip communication. They feature dynamic phase alignment and offer excellent signal integrity, aided by trimmable on-die terminations and robust word alignment. By leveraging their PLL technologies, these interfaces deliver substantial bandwidth with reliable performance across various environmental conditions, ensuring seamless connectivity between components.

  • High data rate
  • Dynamic phase alignment
  • Flexible programmability
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > Multi-Protocol PHY
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Video data transmission
  • Chip-to-chip communication
  • FPGA interfaces
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