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LVDS Deserializer

From Mixel


The Mixel LVDS Deserializer offers high-performance data conversion, structured to operate across four channels, aligning with digital CMOS technology standards. Designed with a focus on precision, the deserializer achieves data rates up to 5Gbps while ensuring low power consumption. It features flexible parallel data width settings and a power-down mode for added efficiency. Additionally, its compatibility with low-swing LVDS devices makes it ideal for reducing EMI, promoting reliable communications while adhering to industry standards. This makes it a formidable solution for high-speed applications demanding robust signal reconstruction.

  • High-speed operation
  • Low power design
  • Programmable data width
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Enterprise networking
  • Broadcasting
  • Electronic instrumentation
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