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LVDS/D-PHY Combo Transmitter

From Mixel


The LVDS/D-PHY Combo Transmitter integrates a high-frequency, low-power physical layer that adheres to the MIPI D-PHY standard and a high-performance 4-channel LVDS Serializer. Using digital CMOS technology, this compact design facilitates both serial and parallel data transmission with up to 4.2Gbps data throughput. With flexible clock support and a robust modular design, it's engineered for seamless integration in various electronic systems. The LVDS component ensures compatibility with industry standards while offering built-in high-speed serialization.

  • MIPI D-PHY 1.1 compliance
  • High-speed and low-power modes
  • Compatibility with TIA/EIA-644 LVDS
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Telecommunications
  • Data communications
  • Displays
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