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LVDS/D-PHY Combo Receiver

From Mixel


The Mixel LVDS/D-PHY Combo Receiver is a powerful, cost-effective solution for applications that require versatility in both LVDS and MIPI standards. Utilizing a sophisticated physical layer design, it accommodates data throughput rates up to 4.0Gbps, making it suitable for modern display interfaces. It includes mechanisms for high-speed data capture and low-power operation, optimizing for both data-intensive tasks and energy efficiency. Its expandable architecture supports multiple lanes, providing adaptability to various system configurations. With its compliant structures adhering to global interface standards, this combo receiver integrates seamlessly into different technology flows.

  • MIPI D-PHY high-speed mode
  • Compatibility with LVDS standards
  • Low power CMOS design
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Broadcast interfaces
  • Video processing
  • Data-intensive industrial systems
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