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All IPs > Multimedia > Image Conversion > LucidEye Visibility Improver Hardware IP

LucidEye Visibility Improver Hardware IP

From Techno Mathematical Co., Ltd.


The LucidEye Visibility Improver is designed to enhance image clarity, crucial for applications where visual information plays a pivotal role. It employs AI technology to optimize image visibility, making it suitable for varied lighting conditions and reducing visual noise.

This hardware IP provides a compact solution, integrating seamlessly with existing systems to deliver improved visual clarity. Its advanced processing algorithms work to enhance details and contrast in real-time, allowing for clearer and more discernable imagery in professional video applications, surveillance, and more.

Deployment of LucidEye ensures significant improvements in image quality without the need for additional hardware resources, presenting a cost-efficient yet powerful replacement or addition to existing setups. This IP stands out by assisting technologies that depend on precise and high-quality visual outputs.

  • AI
  • compact
  • visibility improvement/clarity
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > Image Conversion
Availability All Countries & Regions
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