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All IPs > Wireless Communication > 3GPP-LTE > LTE Lite

LTE Lite

From Wasiela


The LTE Lite IP core is a versatile solution tailored for user equipment, adhering to CAT 0/1 PHY standards. It supports a range of intermediate frequency inputs and flexible channel bandwidths, meeting demands for diverse communication scenarios. The architecture integrates a master finite state machine, automating demodulation processes, coupled with frequency and timing correction capabilities. This design interfaces with external Analog to Digital converters and is adaptable to various RF settings, supporting modulation techniques from QPSK to 64QAM. Offering robust carrier tracking and providing parallel and serial outputs, the LTE Lite IP ensures adaptability to multiple LTE configurations.

  • User Equipment (UE) LTE Lite, compliant to CAT 0/1 PHY
  • Supports IF input
  • Flexible channel BW (1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20) MHz
  • Modulation (QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM)
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > 3GPP-LTE
Availability All Countries & Regions
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