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LPDDR5/5X PHY & Memory Controller

From SkyeChip


SkyeChip's LPDDR5/5X PHY & Memory Controller is designed for high-performance, low-power, and space-efficient memory interfacing, adhering to the LPDDR5/5X JEDEC standard. It offers a scalable solution, extending support to data rates reaching 8533 MT/s. Alongside its standard features, it incorporates receiver and transmitter equalization techniques, enabling optimal performance in advanced memory applications. The controller is capable of supporting various SDRAM configurations and bank modes, providing flexibility for high-density memory addressing needs. For added capabilities, it offers features such as MPFE, RAS, and debugging tools available upon request, catering to the evolving demands of modern computing environments.

  • Data rates up to 8533 MT/s
  • Receiver DFE and transmitter FFE
  • Flexible SDRAM configurations
  • Supports various bank modes
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > Mobile DDR Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Advanced computing
  • High-density memory applications
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