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LP DDR4 Memory Chiplet

From YorChip


The LP DDR4 Memory Chiplet from YorChip provides a highly efficient and versatile memory solution for modern electronic devices. This chiplet is designed to deliver high-speed data access while minimizing power consumption, making it ideal for mobile devices and other electricity-sensitive equipment. Its architecture is optimized for energy-efficient performance, addressing the increasing demand for environmentally conscious technology solutions.

Built on advanced process nodes, the LP DDR4 Memory Chiplet offers improved performance and efficiency compared to its predecessors. It supports a range of applications, from mobile computing to automotive electronics, where quick data retrieval and minimal energy usage are crucial. The chiplet's design ensures compatibility with a wide array of devices, promoting ease of integration and flexibility in design.

By incorporating cutting-edge technology, this memory chiplet enhances the operational capabilities of devices, enabling faster processing speeds and smoother application performance. The LP DDR4 Memory Chiplet not only increases the efficiency of electronic systems but also extends battery life, providing a sustainable solution for modern technology applications.

  • Energy-efficient design
  • High-speed data access
Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Embedded Memories
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Mobile devices
  • Automotive electronics
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