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All IPs > Processor > CPU > Low Power RISC-V CPU IP


From SkyeChip


The Low Power RISC-V CPU IP by SkyeChip is designed around the RISC-V RV32 instruction set, making it suitable for low-power yet efficient computing solutions. Featuring 32 vectorized interrupts and supporting partial and full instruction sets as defined by RISC-V, this CPU IP targets machine mode operations. Its energy-efficient design makes it ideal for applications where power conservation is a priority, offering standard debugging as per the RISC-V specifications, and is well-suited for IoT and embedded system solutions that require compact and competent processing capabilities.

  • Supports RISC-V RV32 instruction set
  • Includes vectorized interrupts
  • Energy-efficient design
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • IoT devices
  • Embedded systems
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