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Lotus 1

From Cortus SAS


The Lotus 1 microcontroller is a premier Cortex solution designed to achieve optimal efficiency for a wide array of applications. This microcontroller integrates a RISC-V RV32IMAFC CPU, operating at frequencies up to 40 MHz, and is capable of supporting a diverse set of functions while maintaining ultra-low power consumption. The inclusion of floating-point capabilities and integer parallel operations enhances the processing power of this compact chip, making it apt for intricate embedded applications.

Built with 24 KBytes of RAM and 256 KBytes of Flash memory, the Lotus 1 enables complex applications, such as advanced motor control or battery-operated devices, to be accomplished. With six independent 16-bit timers featuring PWM control, the chipset is perfectly suited for sophisticated motor control scenarios, like three-phase H-bridge operations. This versatility assures that the Lotus 1 can serve the requirements of consumer electronics, sensors, and energy-sensitive applications seamlessly.

Cortus provides a comprehensive development board accompanying the Lotus 1, designed to facilitate streamlined integration and shorten development cycles. This support enables developers to leverage the full potential of the Lotus 1, ensuring project timelines are met without compromise. The Lotus 1 provides a solution to market challenges by combining versatility, low power demands, and processing prowess in a singular, economically viable microcontroller offering.

  • Floating point
  • 256 KBytes Flash
  • 24 KBytes RAM
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Advanced motor control
  • Embedded control
  • Battery-powered devices
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