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Linear Regulators & Bandgap Reference IP

From Omni Design Technologies


Omni Design's suite of Linear Regulators and Bandgap Reference IP provides reliable and efficient power management solutions essential for high-speed electronics. These IP cores, tailored for process nodes ranging from advanced FinFET to 28nm, deliver outstanding transient responses and PSRR (Power Supply Rejection Ratio) performance while maintaining low noise levels, crucial for stabilising high-speed data converter applications. The internally compensated LDO IP comes equipped with an integrated pass transistor and is stable with on-chip capacitance up to 1nF, while externally compensated variants require external capacitance for stability. Notably, these reference IP blocks utilize proprietary architectures that guarantee high PSRR across broad bandwidths, significantly benefitting the efficiency of power supply systems without the need for extensive calibration. With their seamless integration capabilities, these IP blocks complement Omni's ADCs and DACs, providing a foundational aspect of their comprehensive performance offerings.

  • Excellent PSRR performance
  • Internally and externally compensated options
  • No extensive calibration needed
  • Seamless integration with Omni's converters
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > DC-DC Converter
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-speed electronics
  • Data converters support
  • Advanced power supply systems
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