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All IPs > Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller > LEE Fuse ZA


From Floadia Corporation


LEE Fuse ZA is an anti-fuse one-time programmable (OTP) IP that stands out for its applicability across a diverse range of process nodes, from 180nm to sub-10nm. This IP is well-suited for trimming applications that do not require subsequent reprogramming, such as memory redundancy. It eliminates the necessity for additional masks or steps in production and allows freedom of use in the remaining metal layers, ensuring ease of implementation even in advanced processes. Floadia's ZA fares excellently in high-temperature environments with long data retention spans, fulfilling rigorous automotive requirements with ease and cost efficiency. The IP is characterized by its flexibility with process compatibility and established track record of production success, particularly in DRAM technology and other logic processes.

  • Wide process compatibility
  • No additional mask required
  • High temperature and retention
  • Flexibility in metal layers
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Trimming applications
  • Memory redundancy
  • Automotive electronics
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