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LEE Flash ZT

From Floadia Corporation


LEE Flash ZT is a zero additional mask multi-time programmable (MTP) IP ideal for automotive-grade trimming and parameter storage, particularly in sensor, power, and analog ICs. It is notable for requiring zero additional masks or process steps in its manufacturing, which leads to cost-efficient implementation and short process times. Designed to support process nodes from around 40nm, it achieves high-temperature operation and data retention, making it suitable for demanding automotive conditions. Its core architecture enables low power usage during program/erase cycles using FN tunneling technology, significantly reducing power consumption and short testing cycles to benefit overall chip cost efficiency. LEE Flash ZT has a proven track record in the automotive industry, highlighting its commitment to reliability and high-performance standards.

  • Zero mask addition
  • High temperature support
  • Low power consumption
  • Automotive-grade reliability
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller
Process Node 180nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive sensors
  • Power ICs
  • Analog ICs
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