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LEE Flash G2

From Floadia Corporation


LEE Flash G2 builds upon the success of the LEE Flash G1 by offering innovative features that enhance its utility and integration. This flash IP is optimal for larger memory capacities reaching up to several megabytes and is characterized by its non-volatile logic circuits using standard CMOS platforms. The hallmark of G2 is its VDD operation architecture, allowing seamless connection to standard logic circuits. It is particularly cost-effective because it eliminates the need for high voltage during read operations and minimizes layout isolation requirements. The G2 is thus capable of integrating with logic circuits like non-volatile SRAM, opening up new possibilities for chip design while preserving existing IP assets. It is noted for its low power usage in program and erase cycles, stringent automotive standards compliance, and reduced test and bake times, resulting in significant cost efficiencies.

  • Seamless logic integration
  • Low power operation
  • Automotive grade reliability
  • Reduced test and bake time
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > Flash Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive electronics
  • Industrial computing
  • Memory-intensive applications
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